

You need to provide a mapReduxToConfig function to Aquaman middleware to handle some special cases.

function mapReduxToConfig(store: Store, dispatch: Dispatch<AnyAction>): AquamanConfig;

mapReduxToConfig has two parameters, your Redux store, and the store's dispatch function. This will allow it to access the current state of the application and dispatch new actions.

mapReduxToConfig needs to return an object that implements five methods:

  1. onEndFlow

  2. onStep

  3. shouldStartFlow

  4. onWillChooseFlow

  5. functionMap


function onEndFlow(flowId: string): Promise<void>;

onEndFlow gets triggered when a flow is completed or closed.

You can make the function async so that you can wait on persistent storage updates before Aquaman starts checking for flows again.

Aquaman will ensure the same flow is not shown again during the same app lifecycle, but you'll likely want to persist that the user has seen this flow so that it doesn't get shown again in future sessions. You should use the flowId to persist that to prevent the flow from being shown again.


function onStep(): void;

onStep is called after each aquamanNext dispatch. It can be useful to close all modals/tooltips if they're open, so that logic does not need to be included in your action series.


function shouldStartFlow(): boolean | void;

shouldStartFlow is useful to prevent flows from starting until some condition has been met, such as your application being fully loaded and rendered. Defaults to true.


function onWillChooseFlow(flow: FlowObj): FlowObj | false | void;

onWillChooseFlow provides you with an opportunity to override flows, probably with data from a separate service. This will be called once a condition for a flow is met. That selected flow object will be passed to the function, allowing you to use its id to find a corresponding action series to override it with.


const functionMap: { [functionName: string]: Function };

Action series are meant to be fully serializable so that you can define them on separate services. Since functions are not serializable, you cannot pass them via a JSON object. functionMap allows you to use functions in your web application that will get called from a serialized action series.


const mutuallyExclusiveFlows: string[][] | undefined;

An array of arrays of flowIds. If a flow is shown during the lifecycle of an app, none of the other flows in the same "mutually exclusive" array will be shown.

In the example below, if a flow with flowId5 is shown, then flows with flowId6 can't be shown until the app restarts.


export function mapConfigToRedux(
  store: Store,
  dispatch: Dispatch<AnyAction>
): AquamanConfig {
  async function onEndFlow(flowId: string): void {
    await webService.viewedFlow(flowId);
  function onStep(): void {
    const state = store.getState();
    const isTooltipOpen = isTooltipOpenSelector(state);
    if (isTooltipOpen) {
  function shouldStartFlow(): boolean {
    const state = store.getState();
    const isAppReady = isAppReadySelector(state);
    return isAppReady;
  function onWillChooseFlow(flowObj: FlowObj): FlowObj | flase {
    const state = store.getState();
    const overridingActionSeriesMap: OverrideType = aquamanOverridesSelector(state);
    const overridingActionSeries = overridingActionSeriesMap[flow.flowId];
    const shouldUseActionSeriesOverride =
      overridingActionSeries && overridingActionSeries.length;

    if (shouldUseActionSeriesOverride) {
      return {
        actionSeries: overridingActionSeries,
        flowId: flow.flowId,
        persist: flow.persist,

    return false;
  const functionMap = {
    track: analyticsTrackingFunction,
  const mutuallyExclusiveFlows = [
    ['flow1', 'flow2', 'flow8'],
    ['flow2', 'flow7'],
    ['flow5', 'flow6']
  return {

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